domingo, 15 de abril de 2007


*********How many years will be required for a radioactive material like Uranium to disappear after a reactor explodes like in the terrible nuclear accident occurred in Chernobyl and what are their long-term effects?

Well, The half-life of uranium-238 is about 4.47 billion years and that of uranium-235 is 704 million years. And it can damage lungs, liver, bones , fettos, make deformation in babies and cause several diseases like cancer.

************Can a fly or temperature of a corpse help in finding the time of death ?

Yes , because with the temperature you can determnie the exact time of death using the temperature of the environment and you can also determine the time of death because flies go to body whne it is decomposion and have several baceria on it.

*********Why a painting of the Dutch painter Vermeer de Delft, titled Christ at Emaus, was withdrawn from the Boymans of Rotterdam Museum in 1945 after a painter named Hans van Meegeren declared publicly that the painting was a forgery? How was it proved that it was really a forgery?

Well, well, he played with nazis, art experts, italinas, museums, other and at the end he make himself get discover. The painting was discover a forgery because he said it, and to prived that he really did the copy, they made him made aother copy of the peace of art and dicover that he actully did a real Vermeer. He was send to prision for a yeras because of his health condition and died in 1947 and the age of 58.

Reflection time.

******What do you think is the most important thing you learned through this WebQuest?

The art story because I really like to read about those kind of topics and things, but I loved science als, and I loved to investigate about problems in the world so I really like the activity.

******Would you recommend the use of a WebQuest to learn Mathematics or some other Science subject?

yes, of course Linda, I realy like giving aswer to this kind of questions.
hacer el proyecto de lo de el caso fue algo muy divertido, ya que estubimos un buen rato tratando de grabar las escenas porque no sabiamos que lo podiamos haver en español, pero en fin espero que nos des puntos extras por el esfuerzo xD,

Hacer este projecto en mi opnion es algo informativo y que nso ayuda a por lo menos poder relacionar algo de lo vemos en clase en algo mas real.


Estas vacaciones fue de total relax, porque toda la semana me la pase agusto en mi casa durmiendo y viendo tele, y mis amigas me decian vamos al mar, vamos al cine, hay que salir, y yo preferi quedarme agusto acostada toda la semana hasta que mi mama se arto de verme acostada y me queria poner hacer algo en la casa y mejor me fui con mis amigas a dal la vuelta, y a divertirme un rato. La verdad no hice mucho en esta semana pero era lo que necesitaba. xD

domingo, 25 de marzo de 2007

La verdad a mi me facina todo lo relacionaod con investigar y buscar y eatr detras de algo hasta encontrar la respuesta, aunque aveces no lo paresa. Para mi este proyecto es bueno , no lo voya negar ya que pone a pruba muchas cosas y los mas importante porque Lindo nos enseña todo eso de las devivadas y senos y consenos. ¬¬, peor en fin me gusta el poryecto aunque si em da flojera ponerme a grabar y hacer dialogos y todo eso, pero creo que es divertido.

bueno, esta semanas an sido muy pesadas en todos los sentidos porque hemos estado haciendo examnes de hasta lo que no, pero creo que esto nos a ayudado muchisimo a ya ponernos las pilas en todo, por que por ejemplo en mi caso el ceneval me va ayudar a hacer mejor mis examnes de admision en las universidades a la sque voy a aplicar.

martes, 6 de marzo de 2007



1. What is the Newton’s Law of Cooling?
It's a method used to determine the time of death of a murder's victim by using the body temperature and the environment temperature.

2. What variables in your problem correspond with the variables in the Newton’s Law of Cooling?
the temperature of the environment, the body and the time the temperature was taken.

3. According to this Law, at what time approximately the death happened?
Between 8:48 PM and 8:55 PM

4. How does the room temperature affect the time of death?
We have to be very precise when taking the temperature of both; the body and the environment, because with one small change in the environment an inocent person can be found guilty.

5. How does an illness (e.g. fever) affect the time of death?
Because it changes the body temperature.

6. How exact is the approximation of the Newton’s Law of Cooling for predicting the time of death?
It can be very accurate in most of the cases, but you need to have the correct information, because if the victim is sick or the environment is constantly changing this method won't be useful.

martes, 20 de febrero de 2007


The Process
4. What methods are commonly used to find the time of death?
*The rate method: which consists in measuring the changes that the body had in that time, if it was initiated of stopped by the investigation.
*The concurrence method: which consists in comparing the events that were in the time of the murder and in the time of the investigation.

5. What factors are considered in Algor Mortis?Body temperature, radiation, convection and evaporation.

6. How does the environment affect the time of death?The environment affects the body, so it means that the environment make changes in the body, and that changes perjudicated the time of death, and of course if the temperature of the body is the same of the environment, we can't give a time of death.

7. What can you tell about the different methods of temperature reading of the body? Do they make a difference in the results?I think that they are necessary, but i don't think that they gives you an exact answer to tell who was the guilty person, but it serves like a reference and they make a big diffentiation in the results, because now you are ubicated in what time did the murdered take place.

lunes, 5 de febrero de 2007


1 & 2 My team and tasks:
** Ana Lilia: the journalist
** Hector Ayala: tha math expert
** Marion Elias Calles: the media expert
** Alma Astorga: forensic scientist

3. ***What is forensic science? is the application of a broad spectrum of sciences to answer questions of interest to the legal system.
*** What kind of evidence can be collected in a murder case? firnger prints, DNA samples, photographs, corporal samples (hair, skin, etc), killers weapons, incriminatory evidence, foot prints, shoes prints, etc.. it dependt on the case
***Why is important to determine the time of death? because if we know it we can figureout how was the one that may comitte the crime, how many time does she was still alive, see the contidions the body was at.

4. for me the main goal of this proyect is have a better gade, but it also to learn more about forensic science and how to apply math in something more plactical than just in a paper.


1 & 2 My team and tasks:
** Ana Lilia: the journalist
** Hector Ayala: tha math expert
** Marion Elias Calles: the media expert
** Alma Astorga: forensic scientist

3. ***What is forensic science? is the application of a broad spectrum of sciences to answer questions of interest to the legal system.
*** What kind of evidence can be collected in a murder case? firnger prints, DNA samples, photographs, corporal samples (hair, skin, etc), killers weapons, incriminatory evidence, foot prints, shoes prints, etc.. it dependt on the case
***Why is important to determine the time of death? because if we know it we can figureout how was the one that may comitte the crime, how many time does she was still alive, see the contidions the body was at.

4. for me the main goal of this proyect is have a better gade, but it also to learn more about forensic science and how to apply math in something more plactical than just in a paper.

martes, 30 de enero de 2007

no entiendo nada!!!

estoy muy confundia, porque ne las clases si se hacer las cosas pero ya qu estoi en mi casa, las cosas salen!!


Pascal, Blaise (1623-1662)" We are usually convinced more easily by reasons we have found ourselves than by those which have occurred to others..."
Pienso que esto es verdad porque normalmente crremos mas en lo quenosotros pensamos y decirmos que en lo que otras personsas nos dicnes que debemos de creer o hacer. Ademas que si ya viviste la experiencia tienedes a apreder de eso para creer y no volver a caer sobre la misma piedra, pwero hay que recordad que el ser humano es el unico animal que cae 2 o mas veces sobre la sima piedra.

lunes, 22 de enero de 2007

2nd week!!!!!

This was a hard week because I have just stareted this couerse and Im completly lost and it doesnt matter if I undestant the topic in class I forget it when Im trying to do my homework and I get all confuse. :S
But this week I learn integrals after 2 week of seeing other stuff that I really dont remember but its ok because Linda say it. jajaja

When do you think you could use a Blog in this course

I think that I can use this blog to ask questions to the teahcer and to my classmates about any topic I need help with and also to get rid of the stress becauseI hate anything that is related to numbers.


Our lives begin to end the day we become
silent about things that matter.- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Well, I think that this phrase is about freedom in all forms, because in the moment we stop saying what we belive in, what we thought, how we are and the way we want to be treated is the moment we lose one of the most valuable things in the whole world, our freedom. There is a prhase that says with the only things that a man can play is freedom and life it self.