*********How many years will be required for a radioactive material like Uranium to disappear after a reactor explodes like in the terrible nuclear accident occurred in Chernobyl and what are their long-term effects?
Well, The half-life of uranium-238 is about 4.47 billion years and that of uranium-235 is 704 million years. And it can damage lungs, liver, bones , fettos, make deformation in babies and cause several diseases like cancer.
************Can a fly or temperature of a corpse help in finding the time of death ?
Yes , because with the temperature you can determnie the exact time of death using the temperature of the environment and you can also determine the time of death because flies go to body whne it is decomposion and have several baceria on it.
*********Why a painting of the Dutch painter Vermeer de Delft, titled Christ at Emaus, was withdrawn from the Boymans of Rotterdam Museum in 1945 after a painter named Hans van Meegeren declared publicly that the painting was a forgery? How was it proved that it was really a forgery?
Well, well, he played with nazis, art experts, italinas, museums, other and at the end he make himself get discover. The painting was discover a forgery because he said it, and to prived that he really did the copy, they made him made aother copy of the peace of art and dicover that he actully did a real Vermeer. He was send to prision for a yeras because of his health condition and died in 1947 and the age of 58.
Reflection time.
******What do you think is the most important thing you learned through this WebQuest?
The art story because I really like to read about those kind of topics and things, but I loved science als, and I loved to investigate about problems in the world so I really like the activity.
******Would you recommend the use of a WebQuest to learn Mathematics or some other Science subject?